Morgan Monceaux grew up in the presence of New Orleans music legends. His passion for creative expression takes structure in the form of character series inspired by remarkable untold stories. A history buff and truly visionary artist, Monceaux is best known for his portrait depictions of political and cultural luminaries. He finds inspiration from a fascination with the narratives of visionary artists, leaders, and cultural icons.
Monceaux rose to fame after creating his first series -GEORGE TO GEORGE - all the U.S. presidents, from Washington to President George Bush; and later expanded the succession that concluded with Barack Obama. The flagship collection was featured in the 1992 New Yorker magazine article “Hail to the Chiefs”; and was described by writer Adam Gopnik as ‘ a unique meditation on history’. Red and Black, The Royals, Jazz and Blues Musicians, Divas, Miss America, and Shadowball are series that followed; all crafted in a manner that is both meticulous and inventive in their presentation of the personalities they interpret.
His passion to chronicle a broad scope of human capacity reflects his wide range of interests and fascination with the narratives of those whose vision have impacted history. He informs the viewer with a rare ability to interpret personal nuance as clues to individuality.
Monceaux portraits of Ray Charles, Dinah Washington, and B.B. King are included in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C.
Morgan Monceaux