KEEPERS: Gabriel Tenabe and James Phillips
April 6, 2025 through May 4, 2025
Opening Reception: Sunday, April 6, 1-4 PM
left: GABRIEL TENAABE “The Overseers”, right: JAMES PHILLIPS “The Other John”
The groundbreaking 2023 exhibition AFRICAN MODERNISM IN AMERICA, organized by Fisk University Galleries, was a testimony to the enduring global influence of African arts, and 20th century African artists. Inspired by this important exhibition, and acknowledging this unique influence on African American culture, Keepers convenes a visual dialogue between two icons of cultural guardianship -- artist/educators Gabriel Tenable and James Phillips.
Both painters, their voices articulate a shared reverence for the cultural contributions of West African societies and relative trans-Atlantic imprints. Acclaimed by careers spanning more than half a century, Tenabe and Phillips have dedicated research and innovative practices to examine the politics of colonialism, the collective memory of tradition and diasporic thought, visual language, and modernism. Keepers highlights paintings that were created during the past 50 years, and challenges preconceived notions that define ‘traditional’ and ‘futuristic’ expression.